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Tolk vs FunC: in short

Tolk is much more similar to TypeScript and Kotlin than to C and Lisp. But it still gives you full control over TVM assembler, since it has a FunC kernel inside.

  1. Functions are declared via fun, get methods via get, variables via var (and val for immutable), putting types on the right; parameter types are mandatory; return type can be omitted (auto inferred), as well as for locals; specifiers inline and others are @ attributes
global storedV: int;

fun parseData(cs: slice): cell {
var flags: int = cs.loadMessageFlags();

fun sum(a: int, b: int) { // auto inferred int
val both = a + b; // same
return both;

get currentCounter(): int { ... }
  1. No impure, it's by default, compiler won't drop user function calls
  2. Not recv_internal and recv_external, but onInternalMessage and onExternalMessage
  3. 2+2 is 4, not an identifier; identifiers are alpha-numeric; use naming const OP_INCREASE instead of const op::increase
  4. Logical operators AND &&, OR ||, NOT ! are supported
  5. Syntax improvements:
    • ;; comment// comment
    • {- comment -}/* comment */
    • #includeimport, with a strict rule "import what you use"
    • ~ found!found (for true/false only, obviously) (true is -1, like in FunC)
    • v = null()v = null
    • null?(v)v == null, same for builder_null? and others
    • ~ null?(v)c != null
    • throw(excNo)throw excNo
    • catch(_, _)catch
    • catch(_, excNo)catch(excNo)
    • throw_unless(excNo, cond)assert(cond, excNo)
    • throw_if(excNo, cond)assert(!cond, excNo)
    • return ()return
    • do ... until (cond)do ... while (!cond)
    • elseifelse if
    • ifnot (cond)if (!cond)
  6. A function can be called even if declared below; forward declarations not needed; the compiler at first does parsing, and then it does symbol resolving; there is now an AST representation of source code
  7. stdlib functions renamed to verbose clear names, camelCase style; it's now embedded, not downloaded from GitHub; it's split into several files; common functions available always, more specific available with import "@stdlib/tvm-dicts", IDE will suggest you; here is a mapping
  8. No ~ tilda methods; cs.loadInt(32) modifies a slice and returns an integer; b.storeInt(x, 32) modifies a builder; b = b.storeInt() also works, since it not only modifies, but returns; chained methods work identically to JS, they return self; everything works exactly as expected, similar to JS; no runtime overhead, exactly same Fift instructions; custom methods are created with ease; tilda ~ does not exist in Tolk at all; more details here

Tooling around

  • JetBrains plugin exists
  • VS Code extension exists
  • WASM wrapper for blueprint exists
  • And even a converter from FunC to Tolk exists

Where to go next

Tolk vs FunC: in detail